Thursday, October 2, 2008

Happy October!!

I love October. Candy on all the store shelves, orange is everywhere for Halloween, which I have always associated with my birthday. So this will be my month to shine. I am turning 30 on the 30th. Isn't there a name for that birthday? Like ultimate, or something. I have had 30 years to plan what to do, and well, I'm still planning. I will also be celebrating 9 wonderful years of wedded bliss to my Prince Tim. No stress on the gifts, I'm easy to please. ( a high five and a clean floor would make me giddy). I went into costco the other day, meaning in SEPTEMBER and Emma runs like a bullet down the aisle to where she can see.... a CHRISTMAS tree..... in SEPTEMBER! Take it how you may, but I remember growing up and seeing Halloween until by Birthday (or actually Halloween) then THANKSGIVING decor (the long forgotten holiday in retail because it is not a highly shopped for event) then comes BLACK FRIDAY which I don't believe in, but that's probably because I've never been on the ball enough to actually have a gift list before December. Maybe someday. Anyway, I love October because it is at least 6 months before we see raging summer heat again and we trade comfy swim temps for sleep-with-the-window-open temperatures. I'm sad to see the days get short, but I love the cozy feeling of fall. Okay, I'm officially rambling. Here are some of my latest pics of the kiddos. Emma and Audrey wanted to wash the car, so we let them sponge it off, about 30 min before a dust storm blew through. Now it's "speckled" instead of "sparkled." Audrey feels the world is her canvas, literally. She took the markers to the wall, and she had to clean it all off. Down side to that punishment is tonight after dinner she ran up to me with a colored pencil and said with all the gravity she could muster, "Audrey draw on wall" and pointed to the wall. I told her she has to clean it up, and she shouts, "Yeah!! I get clean up!!" while dancing around. I think she missed the point; or maybe I did. Next is lil' Kennedy, not so little anymore. She is sitting up almost fully unassisted. She also won't roll over to save her life, but hey who wants to look at the dirty floor anyway, I'd rather sit up too. That's the latest from this side of the keyboard.


Mix Family said...

your girls are soooo cute! so you guys got the mini! i think we are the only, tiffo doesn't have a mini yet. vw came out with one and we are eyeing it. my wagon suits me so far. anyhoo, your girls are cute and congrats on almost being 30...woo-hoo!

Marianne said...

I just found your blog! Your girls are gorgeous!! I miss you guys. I will never forget Emma especially. She probably has no idea who I am, but tell her I said hi!

Christina said...

My girls think cleaning the walls is the best thing ever too. At least they have finally stopped coloring them first. Happy early birhtday because I know I will forget later - just too many other things to fill my mind.