Sunday, March 28, 2010

The rest of it.. Spring break that is

So, with all three kids at home for two weeks, our house has turned upside down.  I don't handle clutter and messes very well, especially when I need to find something, and can't find anything because nothing is in its proper place or anywhere near it.  (Breathe..) With that said, it has been beautiful here, and the biggest event of our Spring break has been the butterflies.  For Christmas our friends the Roussels gave us a butterfly hatching kit.  We sent for the caterpillars, watched them grow for about 3 weeks and when we returned from Heber they began to make their chrysalis.  It was cool, the kids loved it.  Then about 7 days later they started to break out of their chrysalis and the girls have been checking on them throughout the days to make sure they have sugar and  count them again.  It has been fun for them.

Yesterday we turned in our DVR.  We have had it for a long time.  We also dropped our home telephone line.  We decided to do this in January, and we've weaned ourselves off and prepared ourselves.  For what?  Really? I feel like "Lot's wife" looking at what I'm missing rather than looking forward to all I'm gaining with this decision.  It's just TV for crying out loud!!  I am spending way too much time thinking about what I'm giving up (Discovery, NatGeo, Nick, Disney, Food, Music Choice channels) rather than spending more quality time with my kiddos, which I complain I never have enough of.  I will hopefully have more time to do the little projects with and without the kids that I've been wanting to do.  I know all the stuff I want to watch is online, and really, I only watch it because it's there.  Now, this is the first day of the rest of our TV free life.  It's gonna be great.  I have my cell phone which I've been much better about keeping with me so I can answer it, unless I'm at work with my hands in someone's mouth, and Tim has a cell phone too, which he's really good about answering unless he's got his hand's full with kids.

Anywhoo, I need to post some update stuff.  I have a lot in my head, so it will probably be scattered.

Kennedy: she is talking up a storm.  She can communicate very patiently and effectively what she wants and I am so impressed with her.  She is so sweet with her sisters.  When they are sad, she'll run, not walk, to get them their blankies or cuddle toy to help them feel better.  She wants them to be happy.  She also doesn't want to be the baby anymore.  She wants to do things "myself" all the time.  She dresses herself, does shoes, and feeds and everything.  Now we don't have a baby anymore.  I've been telling Tim this and that I want another baby, and he asks, "why?"  I say because I don't feel like I'm done, but I don't want a big gap between kids and I'm aware that I'm getting older too.  TMI I'm sure, but it's nagging at me.

Audrey: She is so ready for preschool.  Any suggestions?  She wants to do everything Emma does.  She wants to read and write and have her own books and teacher and backpack.  She loves barbies and ponies and asks to go to Disneyland every chance she gets.  I'm getting close to summer "wanderlust" and I want to go somewhere too, but I get/have to work.  She said to me the other day, "Want to know some interesting information about me?" I said I'd love to, and she said, " I can draw my letters."  The fact that she said the words Interesting and information in the same sentence reminded me that she's growing up, despite her petiteness and her difficulty with articulating some sounds.

Emma: She is smart.  I'm so thankful she's smart.  She's exactly like me and I am so grateful to my mother and sisters who put up with my...eccentricities.  Emma is just sweet.  I hope I am a good mom for her.  Because she is so smart, I feel like I can barely keep up with her, and that plays into my "should we have another baby?" debate because I feel like I need to be more available for her.  She's doing great in school and she is so responsible.  She knows what we expect of her and she holds herself to such a high standard.  She loves peanut butter, but not jelly.  She discovered she likes Subway, and she likes to wear really cute clothes.  She is a great first child because her personality is helpful, thoughtful, and smart.

I'm working at 2 offices.  One in Mesa and one in Fountain Hills.  It is 40 hours of work and about 5 hours of driving.  I make the most of my time in the car by listening to my MP3 on my phone of the Ensign and other LDS church magazines.  It is nice to have the quiet time to listen and then have the sweet spirit that comes from those messages with me when I get to work and then when I come home.  I have been running about 8-9 miles per week in preparation for April 17 race Pat Tillman Run.  I'm excited for that.  I've had lots more energy during the day (or after work I should say) to take care of the house and kids.  Hopefully combine that with the TV off, and I'll be unstoppable!  We're having some struggles in the Mix family and it is giving me some good perspective on myself.  Last year at this time when Ben Harper passed away we had to dig deep as a family and our family ties were so strengthened.  I am so grateful for that strength and perspective now.  It doesn't make it less difficult, but I feel like I'm in better spiritual shape to handle this challenge.  I have a long way to go, but that is what these challenges are for.

Tim's still in school and has about 5 classes left.  We hope to be done this summer, but we also know graduation doesn't automatically bring a job, so if that is the case (no job) then he'll continue in school for his masters in education.  He made his first sale on eBay and I thought it was not worth the hassle, but we'll probably do it again.  He's great with the kids, and me and he puts up with a lot of "girlie-smirlie" around here.  He's started a garden again, we'll see how it goes this year.

If anyone made it this far in reading this good job. I've had a lot on my mind and wanted to get it off.  This is the easiest way.  Thanks.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Break... so far.

We had a wonderful time up in Heber, AZ for a few days break during Emma's spring break last week.  It was just relaxing. We stayed at the Bison Ranch and it was just great.  It is more of a summer resort, but there was a hot tub, ping pong, air hockey, horses in the pasture, and cutie oranges.  I really am a desert rat. Even having grown up in Rexburg, ID, I don't like the cold. I actually really really don't like the cold.  I even felt prepared for it, and I was still uncomfortable.  We went up on Saturday and we stayed until Tuesday afternoon.  It was so nice just to spend time with Tim and the kids. I actually was able to have conversations with Tim rather than just, "what do we need to do now?" sort of stuff.  It was good to get away and take a couple of days off.  I also can't help but think, when I'm away from all my stuff, do I really need all the "stuff" we have at home.  I feel like my "stuff" at home nags at me and makes me grumpy and edgy.  I realized I gotta change that.  I am so grateful for all I have and for healthy kids.  I am really thankful.  I am so blessed.  Here are pictures of our trip. More words later.

she peeled the orange all by herself!!
smiley Audrey.
Coloring by the fireplace.
Audrey picked it up quick.
Emma doesn't mess around!
Air hockey tournament.
Kennedy with horses.
Audrey watching horses.
Emma watching horses.
Running the "Luge"
Kennedy throwing snow fists fulls.
Belated picture, Happy Birthday Tim. 

Monday, March 8, 2010

Reasons why...

I love Tim.  In honor of Tim's 32nd birthday today, I am making a top 10 list.
Top 10 reasons why I love Tim...
10. He is just the right height 5'10 1/2"
9.He can get a car from being parked 30 years to running in a couple of hours.
8.He hates to do chores, but who doesn't
7.He is an amazing cook.
6.He can identify a vehicle under a tarp.
5.He can buy that vehicle and sell it to make money.
4.He can make girls cry, scream and laugh all in the same minute.
3.He is the best to cuddle with on rainy days.
2.He is so handsome, really, he is.
And the number one reason why I love Tim...
1. He is mine forever, and like anything of value, he gets better with age.

Happy birthday honey. You are the best, and I love you.