Sunday, January 24, 2010


Sigh of relief and gratitude all at once! I got an offer for a position to work on Thursdays/Fridays so I'll be working full time for the first time in over a year. It's at Parkview Dental  I can't believe what a huge relief it is and I feel like I have been unstuck from a place where I was stuck and having a really hard time being patient with lack of control of my situation.  The best part of the job is that I LOVE IT!  I feel at home there.  Everything about it is so good.  I am glad too, because I was worried about the strain on my body working 40 hours/week, but this office has good equipment and great help and lots of smiles.  The only down side is it is in Fountain Hills (50 min one way) but my view out my op is amazing.  I'm in a second level building across from the fountain lake facing east and it is beautiful.  Even with the rain it was amazing.  I was pinching myself knowing I got the job to be sure it's real.

It will be an adjustment being away from home, but it is so much better.  For the last year when I was home, I was worried whether I'd have enough work to make it.  Now, when I'm home, I'm really HOME and it feels great. Aaaaaahhhh!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Saturday stuff...

We started our Saturday morning with a fun run/walk with our ward.  It was 2 miles around a neighborhood by our stake center and it was beautiful!  Emma walked half and ran half, she did great!  Kennedy even walked/ran half of it, and so did Audrey.  I tried to ride in the stroller, but nobody would push me (ha ha).  I was inspired enough by some women in my ward who are training for the London's Run 1/2 marathon.  I may go for the 2 mile walk with my kids so they can feel the race atmosphere.  That's about all my knees can handle right now, till I'm in better shape, but that is on Jan 30 in Queen Creek.  Anyway, the girls loved it and I'll probably include them at that race too.  Also, the Race for Africa's Children associated with Care For Life  should be coming up and I'll post info when I get it.

After the race there was a classic car show in the parking lot of the grocery store by our house. Tim thought it would be a great place to show off some of his, uh, hobbies/work.  He is amazing. He got this 1970 Triumph (white) that hasn't run for over 10 years and had it running and shinnied up for the show in just 10 days.  "Little Red" drew some nice attention, but who wouldn't want to look at her twice!  (MGB)

Emma and Audrey loved this pink get-up and wanted their picture by it.  There was also a fire truck there they were letting kids in to look around. Pretty fun, and absolutely beautiful overcast 70 degree day here in good ol' Gilbert.

They wanted to buy this one!

Audrey is looking nervous because there is another kid that jumped in right next to her...

So it doesn't confuse you, (where do they get the money to buy these cars?)  Tim is starting to flip cars to make some extra cash.  Tim has a great talent for buying low and selling high.  This Triumph was a good buy to try out selling on Ebay motors. I'm so glad he has a hobby that makes money rather than takes away.  We have owned more than 30 cars in our 10 years of marriage and only lost money on 2.  That's pretty good stats if you ask me.  He's happy and it gets him away from 3 (sometimes 4) whiney girls!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Stuff I saw over the Holidays...Really

and thought, nice try... or maybe you shouldn't have.

Then was a bit hungry, and thought, "Gee, I could eat 501 double melts from Arbys...
dang limits of 500.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year! and an update...

YAY! 2010! I got a feelin' this is gonna be a GREAT year!
That is what I've been thinking about this new year, now that we're a week into it.  We have had so much fun with our girls.  We went to the Botanical garden on New Year's eve to get some pretty pictures of pretty things, and it was a beautiful day.  We had our friends over for some games and celebrating (eating) and played a game called Settlers of Catan. It's addicting. A great way to pass time an have lots of fun.

As far as New years goes, I have always been a die hard resolution setter, but this year I surprised myself by opting for little monthly goals to include my kiddos.  The reason for this, I'm not sure, but I think it is because I tend to write down the same goals every year.  Rather than set myself up for disappointment, I decided I want to help my kids do new things.  It is gonna be a great year.

First off, we are gonna cancel our cable for 2 reasons, Time and Money  It takes both. and now that I've proclaimed it, we must follow through.  Our date is set for "quit" is in February.  We spend so much time just "seeing what's on" and we want that no more.  So in so doing we will lose our home phone as well and get another cell phone. More info to come on that.

Emma has started to "get it" on her bike without training wheels. Yay!! She pretends to be scared, but then she laughs because she is so proud of herself. Go Emma!!

Audrey is a Sunbeam at Church and is a sponge for information.  She keeps us on our toes to keep her entertained and interested, and gets along with Kennedy or is her worst enemy, all in 10 seconds.

Kennedy is talking more and more.  The other night Tim asked her if she was his "buddy" and she laid her head on his shoulder and said so sweetley, "bubbeee" and it melted my heart. She has been taking her turn saying family prayer at night and repeats Tim and says family, Audrey, Emma, Daddy, Mommy, Jesus, and Amen.  I think we might be doing something right.

Tim got released from Primary.  He and I were teaching the Sunbeams (3-4year olds) and have been in primary for most of the 5 years we've been in this ward.  He is happy to talk to adults for a bit at Church. We'll see how long that lasts...  He's plugging along through school, and surfing C-list for good deals to flip and make some coinage on the side for fun in the garage.  It is a great outlet and I'm so happy he has a hobby that makes money, instead of money pit.

I switched from Sunbeams to 7yr olds.  It is so fun! They sit still, answer questions, read, and actually pay attention.  I'm really excited for my class this year.  I'm still working 3 days/week in Mesa and really like the office I'm at.  I am temping where ever I can the other 2 days and have enjoyed being home when I am.  We are so blessed with enough work to get by with our finances, and enough ambiguity that it is a great test of faith and trust in the process.

Tuff and Tillie (our long forgotten dogs) live outside most of the time, and lay around like lazy spoiled dogs.  We are going to change that eventually, like take them on walks or something. Sounds good.

Well, I've been having thoughts about what to post, and well, that's as far as they've gotten.  We'll see if they actually publish.  It'll be good.

Now, for pictures...

this tree looked like something out of a Dr. Seuss book.  Where's the Lorax?