Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Got out the Vote

So, We finally finished filling out our early ballots, and are sending them in before the Oct 24 deadline. I usually do early ballots, but don't get them in the mail on time, so I end up dropping them at the polling place anyway. I feel like it is such a little thing, my vote, but cumulatively I hope it can make a difference. 14 days left for the count, I hope people don't just vote, but get educated and vote wisely. It doesn't take much to screw up big time, but it does take big time to fix it. Good luck, and good night.


Rebecca said...

I LOVE your family pics, you guys are so cute.

Mix Family said...

word to yo mutha...when cannon comes home for lunch, we're doing an early ballot too, we'll both be out of town next week. i'll be down in AZ and he'll be in ID. can't wait to see you guys and meet kennidee