Sunday, June 29, 2008

4th of July

At church today, we sang some of my favorite hymns; "America the Beautiful" and "My Country 'Tis of Thee." Every time I hear these hymns my heart is warmed with memories of watching the big flag wave out the picture window of the chapel at Mack's Inn, ID. I can't help but sing those and feel a deep sense of pride for this great country in which we live. Tim and I went back to Williamsburg, VA last year and seeing the places where the people lived that founded this country and wrote the "Declaration of Independence" and how much their faith was part of their lives was a great experience. I appreciate the freedoms we enjoy here the more I learn that we have so much and so many people in the world have so little. I am thankful to live in this beautiful country and for the faith of our founding fathers and for the hope of the future in our children. So as we celebrate the 232 anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, remember who came before, who pays the price for freedom now, and what we can do to help preserve it for future generations. Oh, and enjoy your baseball, hotdog, swimming and fireworks, where every you may be.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Monkeys in the bed

I remember growing up and always thinking mom and dad had the softest, warmest, cuddliest bed in the house. Maybe that's because it was always full of kids. Because I work early most days of the week, on Saturday morning when Emma and Audrey see me in bed, they pile on (softest, warmest, cuddliest...) and now I know why mom and dad's bed was best. Smiles, laughs, sneaky tickles and lots of screams make mornings fun. Kennedy laughs and smiles at her sisters more each day. She is growing so fast. She is such a sweet addition to our family. Girls rock!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sweet moments

In my attempts to maintain my memory (with 3 young kids you do what you can) I want to blog my moments, so they may be recoreded but also shared.
Isn't it wonderful how girls love each other? So much of the day is filled with loving play and toys galore. I love to hear the girls quietly playing "hide 'n' seek" with Audrey attempting to count to ten " 1,2,3,10, NOT COME" (ready or not, here I come) and Emma telling her she can't hide where she herself was just hiding. They laugh and giggle and the moments are so precious between sisters.
Something sweet this week was seeing Emma sit by Kennedy while in the bouncer to help her be happy. I think Emma noticed that when Kennedy could see her she was happy. Both Emma and Audrey really love Kennedy; they tickle her cheeks and coo at her to see if she'll smile at them. Kennedy has gotten really good at smiling and is now perfecting her laugh. She gets confused between lauging and hiccoughs, which Emma and Audrey love.
Another sweet observance of Audrey this week is how she loves Emma. She will do all she can to tease and bother hero older sister, then she'll get fiercely protective of her if she thinks Emma might need protecting (from cousins, friends or any tall person). It is good to notice the sweet things, among all the craziness that comes with 3 little girls. The time is fleeting, so embrace each moment.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tell me 'bout it!

Kennedy is getting pretty good at her laughing. She's got to catch up to her sisters.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Welcome, Us!

This is my trial run, we'll see if it works! What a great way to announce the birth of our third beautiful baby girl. Kennedy Asay Harper joined our family on April 18, 2008 weighing in at 7lbs 6 oz. She is growing like a weed, and is such a joy to our family.