Thursday, January 30, 2014

Snow, Snow Snow!!

We have had some cold weather in the last 4 weeks since we've been here in Huntersville.  We had a 20 year cold snap and this week we got snow.  Doesn't seem like a big deal to me, having grown up in Rexburg, ID, but here where there is not equipment to manage snow and ice, it is debilitating.  We are thankful we weren't in Atlanta for this storm, they were declared a state of emergency! I've talked to friends and followed them online to see how awful it has been, and it's affected EVERYONE!! 

The girls got out of school early on Tuesday, and were out of school yesterday and today.  It is fun to have them here, we've been having a good time trying to stay warm and play in the snow before it melted.

I'm pacing myself with all the work I need to get done online, on the computer, and continuing to settle into the house a little more each day while I am home with the girls. 

Here are some pictures of the
 Some pictures after it had been snowing for a few hours, it was bout 15 degrees outside after it

Then Tim went out on Wednesday morning with the sunshine and took some pictures. He's got a good eye for details, photography skills, but I'm not surprised, he's just amazing. It's a glimpse at the house too, I'll post pictures next post of moving in pictures of the empty house, and the house in boxes!!
 Emma and Audrey out on the back deck as the snow starts to accumulate.
 This is the beginning. Gotta love the headband Emma is wearing, because I wore it to Ski School with my 5th grade class in Rexburg!!

 The front of the house.
 Another angle of the front of the house, our driveway is about 30 degrees angle steep. Crazy!! Hopefully the cars don't slide down on the ice in the morning!! It's been known to happen to the neighbors cars.
 Welcome to our home! With our Harper door knocker Tim got me for Christmas.

 Beautiful magnolia leaves with snow.
Skiff of snow, but so magical to the girls!

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