Saturday, May 16, 2009

Kennedy is up, up, up.

My baby is growing up, despite all my efforts to thwart her growth, she demands to keep up with the rest of us, mostly her sisters, and she is now a walking maniac.  I found a little life lesson in her learning to walk.  I realized that I watch people around me doing things that I probably don't think I can do or am to afraid of failing, but they seem to do it just fine.  Sometimes I can get over my fear of "falling" and take the steps out of my comfort zone to try something new, but if I fall it is hard to keep trying.  As my kids grow up I see my habits reflected in them.  Emma is almost debiltatingly shy, Audrey talks without thinking, and Kennedy well, there's hope for her.  I have to break out of my shyness to be an example to Emma, I have to watch what I say or Audrey will echo me, and Kennedy is just wonderful.

I love the toddles that new walkers do.  It is a visual example of faith to me.  Here is Kennedy doing just that.  She was organizing the jello by favorites when I caught her toddling.  It is short before she grabs my hand.

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