Friday, May 8, 2009

Guys, you gotta listen to this...

Audrey is our animated story teller! At dinner she just started talking...
"Guys, guys you gotta listen to this... One time, at Gaga's (grandma's) house, Jacob took a stick and SQUISHED a lady bug in half and juice came out EVERYWHERE and Alie freaked out and I was VERY upset with him. It's true... He really did it. I'm telling the truth. I really am.

3 year olds rock. I hope I have the strength of memory and determination to write all their sweetness, sillies, and faith down for the record, for everyone.

1 comment:

Tara said...

I can't wait to hear some more of these stories! We need to bbq this weekend - we will provide the meat if you provide the grill?!