Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Family life

I love this time of year. A couple of fun things have happened this week. On Sunday morning at about 7 am we were lazy in bed when we heard this weird sound, like an airplane taking off, but not as loud. After we heard it a few times it got louder each time, Tim looked out the window and there was a hot air balloon outside our house! The sound was the whoosh of the gas igniting as the balloon lifted. It must have launched from the common area in our neighborhood. By the time we got a chance to go outside and see it the girls were all awake. The pictures I took are a little blurry because I zoomed in, but it was a fun way to wake up.
Audrey has been dressing herself, and due to the rain this morning, she felt it appropriate to wear this, only I didn't get the picture before she took her pink lace socks and shiny "ballerina" shoes off.It is raining now, but a half hour ago the sun was doing it's best at screaming through the clouds for a brief shining moment. Luckily, we caught it and were able to capture some of it's colorful glory. I learned from my Dad in his photography that the lighting is called "alpenglow" where the sun is shining, but there are no shadows and it is orangish light. What a great view. It isn't very often that you get to see a full arch rainbow, and even less often that it ends at your house!! Man oh man are we blessed this Thanksgiving!!!

1 comment:

lundgrenville said...

Great pictures! I love the rainbows! :)