Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sickies... and pictures

I know I had some anxiety about Tim leaving for a few days, about finding a sitter for the kids while I worked, and about other things too, as well as a bit of jealousy about him going to the Cabin, Yellowstone and Cowley, Wyoming without me.  So, we did have fun while he was gone, until Friday night when I got hit with a headache to beat.  Saturday I felt marginal, but played outside with the girls and cleaned and ran errands, even went shopping for some clothes for me (that doesn't ever happen).  Saturday night I got hit with the cold sickies.  Sunday was miserable and I debated whether to call in sick to work (that NEVER happens).  I ended up sleeping/laying around all day and missing Stake conference.  I had enough cold medicine to go to work Monday, fortunately, so that worked out.  Unfortunately now Audrey has the sickies, Emma had a cough for a few days, and Kennedy had a runny nose for a day, but Audrey can barely talk without coughing fits.  We're glad to have Tim home with his stories and pictures.  He had a great time.  The weather was beautiful and he had a great time riding motorcycles with Rob and Uncle Lynn, and Yellowstone was actually crowded.  I'm glad he had a good time, but he's not allowed to go up there again without me.  He was swamped with schoolwork for 2 weeks before he left, and now he's swamped again.  Accelerated courses require about 1-2 papers per day and he's taking 3classes, so the math works out to about 4 papers per day until the classes are done Oct 10.  
Here's the link to the pictures. He took over a hundred. Enjoy

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