Sunday, June 29, 2008

4th of July

At church today, we sang some of my favorite hymns; "America the Beautiful" and "My Country 'Tis of Thee." Every time I hear these hymns my heart is warmed with memories of watching the big flag wave out the picture window of the chapel at Mack's Inn, ID. I can't help but sing those and feel a deep sense of pride for this great country in which we live. Tim and I went back to Williamsburg, VA last year and seeing the places where the people lived that founded this country and wrote the "Declaration of Independence" and how much their faith was part of their lives was a great experience. I appreciate the freedoms we enjoy here the more I learn that we have so much and so many people in the world have so little. I am thankful to live in this beautiful country and for the faith of our founding fathers and for the hope of the future in our children. So as we celebrate the 232 anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, remember who came before, who pays the price for freedom now, and what we can do to help preserve it for future generations. Oh, and enjoy your baseball, hotdog, swimming and fireworks, where every you may be.

1 comment:

Christina said...

thanks for sending us your blog. It's so fun to see how old friends are doing. It looks like our oldest are the same age.
I too love the 4th especially after experiencing 9/11 so closley. It really brings our freedom into perspective.